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Practising Tips

How to get your kids to practise:


13 Super Effective Ways to Motivate Your Child to Practice Music


Getting Kids to Practice Music -- Without Tears or Tantrums​


It's NOT About Talent; It's About Work (The Famous Growth Mindset Study by Dweck, broken down in a 5-minute video. You NEED to watch this.) 


What happens to your brain when you practise: (myelination!)


How to practice effectively... for just about anything​


Memorizing music:


How I memorize piano music (TEDtalk)



Practising tips:


3 tips to make piano practice less boring​

7 things I wish I'd known when learning piano

How much should I practice piano everyday?

Lang Lang's 8 golden rules for learning to play the piano



Generally amazing advice:


This site has all KINDS of fantastic advice: Bulletproof Musician

Lang Lang's 8 golden rules for learning to play the piano


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